After completing your education, you will be searching for a suitable job based on what you studied. You may have an interest in pursuing a career in the basic industries. But may have this question – is basic industries a good career path. Yes, it is because there are many carrier options available, and the job in this industry will offer you financial stability, it is interesting to work and more. Therefore it is an excellent choice.
The basic industries deal with raw materials, test products, extract natural resources and more. So these are the backbone of many companies. Have a look at the list of jobs in basic industries below.
Is Basic Industries A Good Career Path? A Full Guide
1. Food Scientist
The average annual salary is $68,000
Food Scientists are knowledgeable in chemistry, microbiology, engineering and other sciences. They research food and check its processing, deterioration, and effects on the human body. Also, they discover new food sources and find ways to make food safer for people. These are all part of the job description. So if you are wondering, is basic industries a good career path and are also interested in food sciences, you can aim to become a Food Scientist.
You should have a bachelor’s degree in agricultural science, dietetics and nutrition, or food science. After that, you can also do the Master’s for extra knowledge.
2. Drilling Engineer
Average annual salary is from $94,213 to $112,160
Drilling Engineer is one of the highest paying jobs in the basic industries. They help petroleum geologists to handle the extraction of natural gas and oil. Also, they provide the methods and procedures to assist with the drilling problems. They find economical and safe ways to do the job. They work closely with service contractors, compliance personnel, drilling contractors, technical specialists and geologists.
You have to get a bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering or related fields.
3. Agronomists
The average annual salary is $70,155 per year
If you are looking for consistent work, become an Agronomist. As part of the job description, you have to collaborate with farms to assist in producing and harvesting crops. Plus, you have to participate in important experiments to check which methods work best in agriculture. So you help farms to get higher yields. That is why an Agronomist is known as the Crop Doctor. You have to learn lot about the crops.
You will require a Bachelor’s degree in agriculture or subjects related to Agronomy. If you are aiming for a senior-level position, acquire a Master’s degree in science.
4. Synthetic Chemist
The average annual salary is $67,007
Synthetic Chemist has to work in a lab and different industries dealing with food, pharmaceuticals and industrial solvents. They try to solve practical problems by applying chemical synthesis design and other methods. By doing this, they create new components to assist with a specific purpose. Then if they get any scientific results, they further test it and check whether it is applicable in different areas.
You have to get Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry or any different degree in Biology. Also, acquire Master’s in one of the areas, such as Biochemistry, organic chemistry or inorganic chemistry. Getting a doctoral/Ph.D. is a bonus.
5. Utility Engineer
The average annual salary is between $62,631 and $106,637
A Utility Engineer specializes in managing the energy resources in the industrial companies they work for. They measure the amounts of energy released and find methods to limit the waste of energy. Plus, they run many quality checks on technological energy equipment to know if they are stable and efficient.
You can qualify to become a Utility Engineer with bachelor’s or master’s degree in civil engineering.
6. Petroleum Geologist
The Average annual salary is between $57,526 and $82,781
Petroleum Geologist takes part in exploring and producing natural gas and oil. They help lower oil and gas costs by discovering new methods. As gas and oil are precious resources, their job is extremely important. They must find ways to prevent humans from using up all the remaining natural resources on the earth.
You must get a bachelor’s degree in geosciences, physics, chemistry, biology, or mathematics. If you want to be chosen for high-level research, a Ph.D. is necessary.
7. Metallurgists
The average annual salary is $87727 per year
As the name suggests, Metallurgists have to deal with various metals. You must work with miners and pay a visit to plants where the mined resources are processed. The job description requires you to know about metals and chemistry and how to do the job safely.
If you want to become Metallurgist, get a bachelor’s degree in metallurgical/ materials engineering. There are also fields in engineering that gives focus on Metallurgical engineering. You can opt for that too. There are also courses for completing both the Bachelor’s and Master’s related to Metallurgy.
End thoughts
Is basic industries a good career path? Yes, it certainly is because you can experience many benefits when choosing the jobs offered in this field.